Pickling paste for stainless steel
Pickling paste (non-toxic) for stainless steel or stainless steel
Pickling with pickling paste is also called pickling by brushing or brush pickling. The pickling with paste is mainly used for pickling stainless steel or stainless steel weld seams.
Our pickling paste Inox & Metal Pickle Pasta is lubricated on stainless steel welds, so that the welds are cleaned. Thoroughly rinsing the welded seams and passivating them chemically or naturally again creates a clean and corrosion-resistant surface. Pasta pickling is sometimes done in combination with spray pickling. Multinal Group also has a non-toxic spray stain in its range.
Multinal Group is with its specialism in surface treatment, an expert in the field of pickling and passivating your stainless steel objects. With years of experience in the field of pickling and passivation of stainless steel on location and in our factories, it is a logical step for us that we now also produce products in the field of pickling and passivation.
The advantages of our pickling paste
- Inox & Metal Pickle Pasta
- Does not contain hydrofluoric acid
- A non-toxic pickling paste, so less harmful to the environment
- More user and people friendly
- Better alternative than existing products

Doordat onze beitspasta niet-toxisch is, is deze veel minder milieubelastend dan andere beitsproducten op de markt. Dat komt omdat er in onze beitspasta geen fluorwaterstofzuur verwerkt is. Daarmee is onze Inox & Metal Pickling Pasta minder milieubelastend én prettiger om mee te werken: er komt immers nagenoeg geen geur vrij.

Because our pickling paste is non-toxic, it is much less harmful to the environment than other pickling products on the market. This is because there is no hydrofluoric acid in our pickling paste. This makes our Inox & Metal Pickling Pasta less environmentally harmful and more pleasant to work with: after all, virtually no odor is released.

Although it is a “greener” product, it remains a corrosive product to work with. Therefore, as with other pickling products, the necessary protective equipment should be used. When you purchase from our pickling product you will of course receive an instruction regarding the protective equipment. We offer packages of 2x 2kg, pickling paste price is calculated per kg.
Pickling spray for stainless steel
Do you have a stainless steel object that cannot be used in a pickling bath or are there parts or surfaces that should not come into contact with pickling liquid? Then pickling by spraying with our spray stain can be the solution.
Because our spray stain is non-toxic, it is much less harmful to the environment and people-friendly than other products on the market. This is because there is no hydrofluoric acid in our spray stain. This makes our Inox & Metal Pickle Gel less environmentally harmful and more pleasant to work with, because hardly any odor is released.
Because the user is not exposed to released vapors, our spray stain is therefore a lot healthier. Although it is a “greener” product, it remains a corrosive product to work with. Therefore, as with other pickling products, the necessary protective equipment should be used. In addition to a spray stain, Multinal Group also has a stainless steel pickling paste in its range for treating welding seams, among other things.
Advantages of our spray stain for stainless steel or stainless steel:
- Does not contain hydrofluoric acid
- A non-toxic stain, so less harmful to the environment
- More user and people friendly
- Better alternative than existing pickling products
Pickling spray for stainless steel or stainless steel expressed in liters
In contrast to what is widely used on the pickling products market, Multinal Group uses a liter price for its product. We adhere to the legal provisions for liquid products, which must be expressed in liters and invoiced.

Important: Water purification
The rinsing or waste water that remains after the use of pickling products, especially in the case of spray stains, must be disposed of in accordance with current legal provisions. We offer you the opportunity to process the waste and rinse water through our water purification system.
Processing of (pickling) waste or rinsing water through our water purification system
As a pickling specialist, we deal in our factories and on site with the disposal of waste and rinsing water in accordance with current environmental requirements, local guidelines and legal provisions. For this we use various water purification systems, which process and purify the waste and rinsing water in such a way that it again complies with strict environmental legislation.
Purifying (pickling) waste and rinsing water: the possibilities
Based on our own experiences with our pickling baths from the pickling plants, and by using pickling products such as spray pickling on location, we not only sell pickling products, but also take our social responsibility. The purification of the (pickling) waste and rinsing water produced by us may be processed by us. Especially when you have your own baths in your factory or use pickling products, you can contact Multinal Group for the purification of the waste and rinsing water.
In short, if you stain stainless steel products yourself and wish to dispose of them in accordance with the guidelines, we offer the solution!